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Amusing Things

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Use this thread to post things that are amusing, funny, etc.....
To save on bandwidth, please limit 2 images per "page" :roll:

This is a funny thing that i made out of an old screenshot.
It involves a certain black dragon known as sol77 :P

LoneKnight's picture

Yeah, I have to agree with Wyvante on this one TAS. I would go insane if my desktop was that filled. I need everything well organized.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

We have some snow now! Laughing out loud Here is a nice before/after pic. Both are looking out of my window.

Edit: LK, my icons, athough many, are organized by file type. Smile

Sharkull's picture

I was at work once, and someone new looked over my shoulder to see my Windows desktop which had a couple dozen icons on it (mostly programs and server connections)... and he said "I hate people like you..." going on to comment on the number of desktop icons. I should have asked him right then and there: "you hate people like me?...". I know he didn't intend it in a mean way, only condescendingly self-centered, but I think he would have chosen some more diplomatic words in a professional environment in the future...

If you like tons of desktop icons that's your business... (if it's your computer). I personally like the most frequently used program shortcuts on my desktop, plus any current / important project folders. Otherwise I file things in their place elsewhere. Oh, and I use a plain black desktop (no pictures)... every little bit of video memory saved = better gaming performance. Laughing out loud

/me realizes he's in Amusing Things and not Chatty Kathy's...
hmmmmmm... something amusing.

Best commercial ever:

First nation in hockey aye? Wink

We'll see about that next time the world cup rolls along. :P

Sharkull's picture

World cup? What does a soccer tournament have to do with hockey...? :?

Oh, I guess you mean the Canada Cup's new name. :P

BTW, Canada won the last World Cup of Hockey in 2004... and I was at the final game!!! (My sister had a connection to obtain the tickets through her work.) Simply awesome hockey, and a nail biter until the final buzzer. Laughing out loud

Right, I didn't know the name for it. But the world championship tournament thingy.

But we'll take you on in any hockey competition. Smile

Sharkull's picture

I knew what you meant... I was just teasing. :P

(You should have mentioned the Olympics, not the WCoH... since Sweden won the gold this year and Canada's men's Olympic record isn't as dominating...).

Hmm.. you are making my legs long.. Laughing out loud

You are right, I should have. But I was so focues on how much we will put you in your place in the next WCoH.

Nah, I'm really not that competative. And I'll admit any day that Canada is a great sport nation. But luckily it is night right now where I am at. :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Ah, what wierd french music that they had in the 60s...

LoneKnight's picture

French music from the 60's ftw.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

I think it is funny that Where are my pictures??? turned up in the Dungeon siege section for the collected news. I thought google was a wee bit more selective.. (it's their feed) :roll:

hey, sharkull - have you seen this one..?

Windows Theme Ontario

..the little foxcub and butterfly desktop looks really nice

..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Not really amusing, more like amazing O__O

Sharkull's picture

Totally amazing! Wow... :jawdrop:

I don't normally use Windows themes, but after my next system backup I'll give that one a try... I've downloaded it already. Thanks for the tip. Smile

That was incredible, TAS. What an amazing talent.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Dang.. that was really good.

YouTube bonkers nonsense..

Weird Al Yankovic with Jurassic Park (a la MacArthur Park..!!)

Here’s Your Horoscope, Avatards..

- heh,heh! :woot:
..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

Heh, after you watch the Jurassic Park one, check "Bob" out. (also by Weird Al)
Lots of palindromes!

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

some good stuff here.. Laughing out loud

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

-These are actually being sold at FAO schwarz toy store O_O

-What is disturbing is how these ponys are actually on backorder. Shock

-Seriously, i had no idea that a full grown equine could be that small ^_^

..The Running Jumping & Standing Still Film (in 2 parts..)

- very inventive..
- particularly the man reading a book with a telescope and a bicycle..

- heh, heh!

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Looks like Sol will have to get in all of his DOS attacks in the next couple months.

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Yikes. So little time and so much to do. Laughing out loud

Actually I wasn't aware of this but that's a good thing to outlaw.

- for cool catz everywhere.. :woot:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

LoneKnight's picture

That dang cat!!! My girlfriend made me watch that twice I'm seeing it here.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Sharkull's picture

I don't want to be redefined! Very cool vid on the 'Net's history / influence:

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

For those who are fans of Family Guy.....

For those who just need a laugh.....

contact juggling..

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Humans are so stupid sometimes..

volkan's picture

Very stupid sometimes Sad
