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[DS1] The Ultima 6 Project

It is with much pleasure that I announce the release of Team Archon's next milestone of the Ultima 6 Project, Milestone 3 for Dungeon Siege 1 (PC and Mac). Some things to look forward to in this release:

* New areas to explore ( Spider Cave, Buccaneer's Den, Yew, Paws, and Continental Britannia )
* Enhancements to existing areas (Swamp Cave, Sewers, Britain, Cove )
* Gargoyles, both winged and wingless (intro only)
* Numerous enhancements to the core gameplay such as:

* Complex branching conversation system
* Class based equip requirements
* Party banters
* Right+click menus on usable items such as door and chests
* New customizable gameplay settings ( accessed via a menu reached by pressing the ";" key )
* Enhanced creature spawners
* Many tunings and tweaks to the core Project Britannia systems

This is not a final release of these sections of the game, but we feel that they are reasonably polished enough for public consumption (read: scrutiny). If you find problems with the release, want to give us kudos, or (heaven forbid) want to tell us what you really think, as always you can find us lurking about in our forums. That is, when we're not busily scratching away at building Milestone 4.

You can find the download links on the Official Website

volkan's picture

Sounds fantastic Frilly. Kudos to the team and that play-testin' dog Airk. :thumbup:

Sharkull's picture

Glad you let us know about the milestone Frilly Wumpus. Sounds like news worthy of the front page... Smile

volkan's picture

The "change log" link is not correct Frilly. I get this screen:

Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '7' in /home/projectb/public_html/wiki/index.php on line 1194

Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '7' in /home/projectb/public_html/wiki/index.php on line 1194
repeating to infinity.

That's really strange. Linking from this post give me that error, but copying the url and pasting it into my browser seems to work.

The link is:

if you want to try that.

Frilly Wumpus
Technical Director
Project Britannia ( http// )
Ultima 5Lazarus ( http// )
Ultima 6 Project ( http// )
Siege Tools for Eclipse ( http// )

volkan's picture

That is strange.

Yeah, unfortunately the only way I got it to work was by cutting and pasting it into my browser address bar. I'll take it out to eliminate confusion. You can access it by going to

and going to the link in the news post on that page.

Frilly Wumpus
Technical Director
Project Britannia ( http// )
Ultima 5Lazarus ( http// )
Ultima 6 Project ( http// )
Siege Tools for Eclipse ( http// )

Sharkull's picture

Using identical addresses (verified with a copy / paste into Notepad) gives different results... The parsing of the URL by STheD apprears to be functioning perfectly for the address in question (some characters screw things up, but this link should work).

Perhaps the host doesn't like referred visits sourced from this site (with the question mark in StheD's URL's)?

Even this link gives me errors... I then take the same link (from the address bar) and paste it into a new browser tab (so there is no reference to the visit spawning here) and it works. :?

Very, very strange.

Edit: Happens in IE7 and Firefox.

I'm not sure how much you like this thread going somewhat off topic with link issues... so if you want things cleaned up Frilly, just let me know.

volkan's picture

Remember I could not register at U5L or U6PB from IE7, had to use Firefox also.

- it appears to be downloading OK, at the moment..
- ever onward!!
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

I'd like to announce the release of Team Archon's next milestone of the Ultima 6 Project, Milestone 4 for Dungeon Siege 1 (PC and Mac). Some things to look forward to in this release:

* New areas to explore ( Buccaneer's Cave, Wrong, Empath Abbey and Minoc )
* New game intro which draws from the original classic game
* Enhancements to existing areas
* New plot details and other subtle refinements
* Numerous enhancements to the core gameplay such as:
* A prototype of a customizable journal system so you can take notes on your journey
* The ";" key now gives you extra information, such as reagent counts, projectile counts, etc.
* New "Gameplay Settings" from the Options menu
* Many more tunings and tweaks to the core Project Britannia systems

Visit The Ultima 6 Project for more information and download links. You can also ask questions in our forums.


volkan's picture

Thanks for the update Frilly, and keep up the good work. I'll be back to venture in the lands of the Avatar when I get finished with my current project.