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Super Furry Animals at Glastonbury..

The Welsh wizards descended on Glastonbury this year - turned out a really superb set, too :woot:

fantastic Super Furry Animals at Glasto - live
- find 'em in the list, down the side.. or something like that..
- but only if you're quick...

PS - hope the player works..

BTW - how is everyone..?? :woot:


..4 da phanz..

“Analyse” live solo by Thom Yorke

“Palo Alto” – used as a backing track for Blade Runner ad

"Talk Show Host" (live)
..heavy lyrics on this one.

- stay in tune with yourself - change when you feel like it.. :woot:

STOP PRESS|| - this is.. (definitely, IS..!!)
..for kool kats, this is Muse – The Gallery

- most oddly odd..
- hiya! :woot:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

..Glastonbury sounds like a place in Aranna

more Super Furry Animals here..

- here's some more mind-altering Super Furry stuff..
..turn up the bass!!

..well somebody's got to do it..!!
heh, heh! Cool
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

- this is mine

- called "moggy" - half-pedigree Persian and half-alleycat...
..and she's always hungry!! Laughing out loud

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

- there is a sudden chill..
Blondin sweeps up his cape and leaves by the window

- later..
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Moggy looks cool, she reminds me of a cat I had called "Gypsy". Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

- at precisely 18:46 mins into the video..
- is that a moo-cow I see before me..??

- ha, ha! :woot:
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Oh peeve!

- the BBC haven't continued with the SFA concert clip from Glastonbury..

never mind, it was fun while it lasted..

- this is such a beautiful song..
- Thom Yorke of RadioHead, again

- you seldom hear such beautiful music, these days
- and oh, so moving..

I wonder how long this one will remain available..?? :woot:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Slow Life - SFA
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

That video was a little bit different, but cool. Nice tune as well.

Golden Retriever.. a super furry animal, if ever I saw one..

- hey, Kathy that muttley looks awfully familiar.. :woot:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!