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volkan's picture

Mod Title: Conversation Freedom
No conversation need ever be interrupted again. Characters can autocast, but cannot attack until dialogue is finished.

Author: Volkan

Mod Version Number: 2
Release Date: January 29, 2007
Mod Size (approx.): 4 KB
Contact Information:

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Can they still be attacked?

More relevant perhaps, are they made temporarily invulnerable? If so, they can be whacked on as much as the mobs want to, and they'll still finish the important business first. That would look better than setting actor_may_be _attacked to false, as that could make the mobs lose interest and walk off.

volkan's picture

All I did was delete a function in the job_listen.skrit, make sure to have a healer autocasting for the longer conversations as mobs will beat them silly. Toons can autocast but CANNOT ATTACK until conversation is complete.

//  listen and wait for the talker to finish talking to us
state Listen$
    -> Exiting$:  OnWorldMessage( WE_REQ_TALK_END );
  //Deleted this function by Volkan
  //trigger OnWorldMessage$( WE_DAMAGED )  
    //report.reportf("job_listen", "was damaged while trying to listen so we will not talk.\n" );

    // Exit dialog
    //if( m_Go$.IsAnyHumanPartyMember )
       //UIDialogueHandler.SExplicitExitDialogue( m_Go$.Player.MachineId );

    SetState Exiting$;