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Dungeon Siege Community Sites

LoneKnight's picture

I couldn't find one here, so I felt like adding a thread that gives links to Dungeon Siege sites out there, to connect the community more. For people who feel like adding any sites that are not listed, please include the following:

1. URL link to the site, using the URL tags.
2. Under the URL please site whether or not the site is still "dead" or "alive". Dead would mean that it is no longer updated, no members have posted for over a year, etc. Alive is an active community.

Abstraction Status: Alive

AraFF Community Status: Alive

Banshee's Dungeon Siege Status: Alive

DSEdit Status: Dead

Dungeon Raider Status: Alive

Dungeon Siege Center Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege Developer's Guild Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege Heaven Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege II Official Home Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna Official Home Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege Mednick Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege Nivisec Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege Official Home Status: Dead

Dungeon Siege II Broken World Official Home Status: Dead

Elys' Vista Status: Dead

Gamespot DS Union Status: Dead

Gas Powered Garage Status: Alive

Guru's Dungeon Siege Status: Dead

Herena Forge Status: Alive

Jaabu's Dungeon Siege II Screenshots Status: Dead

Killer Raven Warriors and Havoc Knights Clan Base Status: Alive

Lands of Hyperborea Status: Alive

Lazarus Status: Alive

Lurker's Resources Status: Dead

MageWorld Status: Alive

Mcarp's Models Status: Dead

Packmule Status: Dead

Planet Dungeon Siege Status: Alive

Project Britannia Status: Alive

Shadow Studios Status: Dead

Shadows of the Hidden Valley Status: Dead

SiegeCore Status: Alive

SiegeTheDay Status: Alive

Ultima 6 Status: Alive

Under Siege Status: Dead

VN Boards Status: Dead

Warrior Nation Clan Status: Dead

Witness' Mods Status: Dead

Zhixalom's Lair Status: Dead

Gameamp's Dungeon Siege 2 site Status: Dead

Feel free to add any more websites in the format specified.

Here is the formula for this:

*Where ever a red underscore '_' is located below, means you need to delete that space. I included underscores so that the full formula could be shown.

[URL=<website URL here>]_<website name here>_[/URL] _Status: [b_]<Dead or Alive>[/b][url][/url]

LoneKnight's picture

Updated the list. Unfortunately a lot more deceased names added.

volkan's picture

I think it's a matter of time before we add SiegeCore to the deceased list. Dulac is never there anymore and has no moderators to up-keep the site. Plus he hasn't updated the site news since January of this year.

Notice Herena Forge is listed as dead, but should be alive.

Sharkull's picture

Well, the SiegeCore forums seem more alive with DS/DS2 modding than StheD does at times... (with or without moderation). Stare I certainly hope Dulac / Wyvante stays active within the community, but for now he hasn't closed the doors on his site... and people still use it.

And yes, HerenaForge is still active/alive (the site's platform is a bit flakey at times, but it's still going).

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Zhixalom's Lair is also not "dead" as far as I can tell. I just opened the site, and while it now includes content other than DS-related, it still has DS content. I'm not sure how active the forums are as far as DS content, but the site is still up and continues to host DS content.

Elys Vista is also still up and running and continues to host DS content, although Elys is not currently working on any DS-related stuff (or still wasn't the last time I looked in there). The DS forums still get some posts, although not very often, and Elys might even reply to posts in those forums, occasionally.

Both of those sites seem to have become more interested in Guild Wars lately, but I don't think that means they are "dead."

Abstraction is still up and running, and still hosts DS content. The forums there may not be hopping with activity, but the project is still a work in progress, and is still being playtested (and I still need to get the latest version downloaded so I can continue my testing, curse dial-up connections for their unreliability and slowness!). SJR may be playing GW more these days, but he has stated in the past that when people are posting to the forums on the Abstraction site, he is more motivated to work on Abstraction, so maybe other testers reporting on their experiences with the latest version would encourage more activity there (and I promise I'm going to get the latest version downloaded myself, as soon as I make it back to my friend's apartment in the city so I can use his highspeed connection).

Both Elys Vista and Abstraction have seen new posts in the DS-related stuff less than a year ago, so they wouldn't qualify as "dead" even by the definition given in the initial post.

I guess what I'm saying is that I disagree with what is meant by "dead" in the initial post. Even the DS and DS2 official sites are still up and hosting relevant content, if not very active. I think sites should only be called "dead" when the link no longer takes you to the site (as in "dead link"). Maybe we could use "inactive" and/or "mostly inactive" or something like that to refer to sites that still exist but which have slacked off insofar as forum post frequency?

volkan's picture

Giovanna_del_Arco wrote:
Elys Vista is also still up and running and continues to host DS content, although Elys is not currently working on any DS-related stuff (or still wasn't the last time I looked in there). The DS forums still get some posts, although not very often, and Elys might even reply to posts in those forums, occasionally.

Elys has now "locked" the DS Forums to any posts. So it is dead.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

volkan wrote:

Elys has now "locked" the DS Forums to any posts.

Well, crap. They weren't locked the last time I looked in, but I see they are now. Maybe GPG will get around to a DS3 (if they've listened to long-time DS players/modders and heeded what we've said) and she'll re-open them then.

volkan wrote:

So it is dead.

Okay, "dead" as in "no longer updated," at least for the moment (I didn't see any explanation for locking them, so maybe there's some hope she won't keep them locked), but the link still works, and the old content hasn't been removed, and there were a couple of posts there last month. I still think "inactive" would be a better label in such a case.

Anyway, Abstraction isn't "dead" even by the definitions in the original post in this thread. I'm not sure about Zhixalom's Lair, because I've never been involved in the forums there, but certainly the content is still there and the link isn't dead.

We just haven't broken anything, or added anything new since the 0.997 release.

I just played through the whole map again with my sister and nephew (they were visiting from UK) without hitting any crashes, so there was nothing to post about!

I've been posting here and at the Forge more than at the Abstraction site, as I've mainly been doing other projects and waiting for 1.0.

LoneKnight's picture

Changed Abstraction back to Alive. I base the status of 'Alive' and 'Dead' on if the site's forum is regularly posted on still, or if it doesn't have a forum, if there are still updates made to the site regularly.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
Changed Abstraction back to Alive.

Thanks. Although I'm not part of the Admin or Moderation team there, I am a Tester.

LoneKnight wrote:
I base the status of 'Alive' and 'Dead' on if the site's forum is regularly posted on still, or if it doesn't have a forum, if there are still updates made to the site regularly.

I understand your use of "Alive" and "Dead," because you explained what you meant by them in the first post. However, even with the explanation, I think that "Dead" may lead to misunderstandings, since it is a term ordinarily used on the net to refer to a site which no longer exists (as in "dead link"), and since some people may overlook the explanation. That's why I suggested "inactive" and "mostly inactive" as alternatives.


firebat's picture

The forge is not dead. We are having a few stability problems but it is certainly not dead.

Yea, that is a bit harsh.. especially since there is activity going on almost daily.

Lone Knight, hope you don't mind me messing with your post but I changed it, and updated the url.

The link in the list seems to be dead now, but the site hasn't been there for how long?


LoneKnight's picture

sol77 wrote:
Yea, that is a bit harsh.. especially since there is activity going on almost daily.

Lone Knight, hope you don't mind me messing with your post but I changed it, and updated the url.

No, by all means, you can. I'm not always around, so if you notice a mistake, you have free reign to correct it. Smile

LoneKnight's picture

Updated, October 17

Found a very active clan base.

Added Killer Raven Warriors and Havoc Knights Clan Base.
