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I have a blog?

sununpa's picture


Now, if I only knew what a Blog was... :orc:

That's right, I may be the only person left who's never really kept up with things like Blogs, etc...

I understand the "log" part, what's the B for?

*perspiring mings want to know* :wacko:

Enjoy Your Day




Sharkull's picture

The "b" is the last letter in "web"...

Wikipedia wrote: (a portmanteau of web log)...

PS. I had to look up "portmanteau" when I read this, but it means what I expected...

I believe this word comes from the French for "wearing a cape" - i.e. Batman, Robin et al.
Does Batman have a blog these days? Or is Blog a superhero among words?

volkan's picture

Online Thesaurus says:

Main Entry: box

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: container

Synonyms: blend, blendword, compound, counterword, merged word, portmanteau, portmantologism, telescope word, bin, carton, case, casket, chest, coffer, crate, pack, package, receptacle, trunk, backpack, bag, clutch, grip, hide, knapsack, leather, pocketbook, purse, reticule, bag, baggage, bin, box, case, chest, coffer, coffin, crate, foot locker, keister, locker, luggage, suitcase, wardrobe