Please don't post links to hacked tools
Submitted by iryan on Wed, 2005-08-24 03:51 | ||
Following the lead of, please don't post links to hacked tools or sites where they can be downloaded. This covers hacked versions of any future tools that may be released. Like with mods, you should obtain the permission of the original developer before releasing anything. forums: |
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Just wait it out. Siege Editor 2 may be out soon, along with the other products as well.
Yeah right... the tools well be out soon. That is like saying the earth will change its orbit soon. GPG does not give a flying F*** we may never have tool for the game unless they are hacked tools. The current hacked tools do not work well enough to be practical for real modding anyway.
If I were not a fighter and did not care about this community i would not be ranting and raving all over the net demanding the tools ... You all should do the same.
I said my say and then went away and let the gang at GPG do there thing and they did enough said.
I do not fast agree with some, but this time i do agree 100% with you elf. I always did put the question if the tools will come. I even have a reason to do so, since there is a more strickt police to illegal software, microsoft but autodesk as well ( before discreet ) has stronger rules to plug-ins for there software. For that reason maybe the tools has to allow the that you always can see with what 3d program and by who it's made.
I do not think that they will release the other tools as well, just because it might be so that some modders and designer now can make maybe better mods then GPG.
.............maybe they are afraid of lossing they face and think that in this way they can save it.
Well the tools are out now so waiting was the best way to go... Actually not bad on the amount of time it took only 4 months since the game was released. Is it just me or does it seem to you that the game was out much longer than that?
*chuckle* Well I didn't...course I play with my inventory and EQuipment too much.
I still haven't completed it - didn't get reinstalled after I got my SATA drives working. Especially after siege-mods disappeared it seriously dampened my game interest --- discovered playing with OS slipstreaming on MSFN hehe.
strange on how the hacked tool i found didnt have any bugs compared to the official modding tools. i can extract and make tank files with no errors, v2.2. its that weird clan (uses a ton if !@#$%^)( characters in the name) version 0.3 is the one i have, 246kb
just checked the file, guess it was a direct link to
nothing left except a giant CLOSED sign on the front door...
so sad, i was hopeing ds2 would be atleast a decent game to mod...