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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Sharkull wrote:
There are tricks to level up in LoH insanely fast... after a certain point.


Sharkull wrote:
Note: you need to use invisibility and speed to get some characters to certain regions without making everyone mad at you... but it's worth the effort for sure. Wink

Unfortunately, getting through the Drow cavern is the first real challenge in the game, and until you level up enough, you've got no chance if you're a Light Elf, so you wander around killing wolves, deer, and bandits for what seems like an eternity before you move on to the actual meat of the game, so to speak. That becomes rather monotonous pretty quickly. Sure, I could play something other than a Light Elf, but I want to play a Light Elf. To be honest, the way I finally was able to do it without becoming supremely bored was to use Kane's XP Spells (and I think I had to get the character out of LoH and move into UP to even do that -- I don't recall for certain, as it has been some time) until I was of sufficient level to get through there without dying almost instantly (and I believe even that required invisibility).
