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sol77 wrote:
Sharkull wrote:
Winter is only a few weeks away!

"Away"? We've had winter for several months now.. Sun goes up around 8.50 am or so and sets around 2 pm. Darkness is our legacy.. Atleast we have the snow to brighten things up a bit..

Silly Solly... I said winter not cold and darkness (it's been a bit chilly here recently too). Winter is when the days actually start to get longer again. Every hear of the Winter Solstice? :P It's when the :sun: is farthest from us in the Northern hemisphere. Considering your name here, I thought you'd know that. :silly:

Halloween, on the other hand, hasn't been experienced by me yet (too busy with real life stuff right now). Perhaps by the time the holidays roll around I'll have a chance to dust off my DS disks and venture into the haunted lands :nervous:.
