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Powers Bugfix


This mod fixes the ranged power, take aim, for levels 1 and 2 to correctly use ranged skill level for calculating damage. it also fixes several typo errors with powers in the UI causing them to show incorrect power recharge speeds.

Active_Skills.gas file bugfix

This mod fixes the ranged power, take aim, for levels 1 and 2 to correctly use ranged skill level for calculating damage. it also fixes several typo errors with powers in the UI causing them to show incorrect power recharge speeds.

1. elemental rage (long recharge formula but displays as slow recharge)

2. charged shots (long recharge formula but displays as slow recharge)

3. gravity stone (normal recharge formula but displays as fast recharge)

4. invulnerability (long recharge formula but displays as normal recharge)

5. glacial aura (long recharge formula but displays as slow recharge)

6. detonation aka conflagaration (long recharge formula but displays as slow recharge)

7. draconic inspiration (long recharge formula but displays as slow recharge)

8. provoke (very fast recharge formula but displays as fast recharge)

9. summon provoke (very fast recharge formula but displays as fast recharge)

10. enrage (very fast recharge formula but displays as fast recharge)

for those who havent used pets and dont know wuts #7, draconic inspiration is the power used by the lap (pocket) dragon. enrage is the power used by the mythrilhorn pet.

All these 10 typos above have been fixed, so the power recharge speed displayed in the UI follows the actual formula used by the game.


This mod works with DS2 v2.0, v2.1 and on the DS2TK. See warning below for using on the v2.2 retail version.


Installation for DS2 Toolkit users: (if u dont have the ds2 toolkit i suggest u download it for playing with mods)

1. Extract the Active Skills File Bugfix.ds2mod file to your Dungeon Siege 2 Mod\Mods folder.

2. Run DungeonSiege2Mod.exe with the loadanysave commandline argument.


Installation for non-DS2 Toolkit users: (not recommended u do this!)

WARNING!!! doing this on DS2 v2.2 can invalidate your savefile. Do this on v2.2 at your own risk! or get Elys' all saves fix.

1. Extract the Active Skills File Bugfix.ds2mod file to your Dungeon Siege 2 Resources folder.

2. rename the file extension to .ds2res

3. run DungeonSiege2.exe to play.


Just delete the Active Skills File Bugfix.ds2mod file or move it to another folder.


Known Issues: This mod *may* conflict with other mods that modify the behaviour of Powers. Also, if you are using the take aim bugfix, uninstall it first, before installing this mod.

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