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Zombielordzero wrote:
speaking of which, do you guys notice the difference in traffic levels between before siege-mods went down and after? not just on the garage, but on this site as well. i was checking siege-mods every day, some times more if there were active replys to questions i've asked. as of now, i can check this site and garage once a week and not miss anything. is the game loosing its fan-base?
I think Siege-Mods was like a beacon that drew everyone in. It had everything you would expect from the best of the best of DS1 sites: news, excellent forum, mods. With its removal everyone is fumbling around in the dark and scattered. It ranked high in google - as of right now the rank goes to the garage for "Dungeon siege ii mod" - and we know how inactive that site is overall for DS. Whether the excitement will revive - who knows, but the graphic design software requirements currently certainly don't help. Makes one want to go back to DS1.
I bet it would be less work to retrofit DS1 with the handful of improvements that DS2 has, than fix what is wrong with DS2.