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Mod Title: CutieGirl_LoA (Contains Nudity)
Updating Hamcat’s CutieGirl to LoA standards using elements of Revived from Omniscient Colossus and Ikkyo. CounterSource sunglasses by Iarus and WnxWanderer2k tweaked by DDLullu to support transparency. New character meshes with alpha support provided by DDLullu. All new items and spells are balanced for regular gameplay in keeping with Revived. Includes separate DSRES to eliminate the nudity if you want the items without characters “Au Naturale”. Mod does not require Revived to play, but there are a lot of things added by revived not included with this mod.

Change Log/Credits:

The Original CutieGirl that inspired this mod (by: Hamcat)

New Meshes (by: DDLullu)
• Special thanks goes to DDLullu for the new meshes that make this mod possible in the first place. (Character and sunglasses meshes that use alpha support)

Revived (by: Omniscient Colossus and Ikkyo)
• BeastFu weapons are carried over with alterations to the original DSX daggers (they also now allow modifiers)
• Dexterity increase for ranged weapons included.
• Global uber level up and monster kill counter included.
• Improved character ai included.

CounterSource (by: Iarus and WnxWanderer2k)
• Sunglasses meshes

Farmgirl bow animations and gui cursors (by: Lurker)

General Gameplay Tweaks
• New weapons, armors and spells added to the pcontent.
• Fixed error with Isaac in Lang (UP), so he now carries his original history lorebook.
• Characters start with better basic gear and 3000 gold.
• Unconsciousness removed (when characters HP reach 0, they will die)
• Difficulty settings altered.
difficulty_easy_player = 1.0;
difficulty_easy_computer = 1.0;

difficulty_medium_player = 0.8;
difficulty_medium_computer = 1.25;

difficulty_hard_player = 0.6;
difficulty_hard_computer = 1.5;
• Some shopkeepers store pcontent changed to allow better/more choices.
• New skin textures for all the hireable characters.
• Witness’ light/dark elves changed to QT for Utraean Peninsula.

Author: Volkan aka PhoeniX

Tank Priority = 1000 for CutieGirl_LoA ******* 1001 for CutieGirl_LoA_No_Nudity
Mod Version Number: 1
Release Date: April 19, 2008
Mod Size (approx.): 18.5 MB
Contact Information:

Installation Instructions:
1. Place CutieGirl_LoA.dsres into your C: Program Files/Microsoft Games/Dungeon Siege/Resources folder. If you do not want the nudity, also place the CutieGirl_LoA_No_Nudity.dsres into the same folder.
2. Place the included ikkyo_loa.dsdll into the base C: Program Files/Microsoft Games/Dungeon Siege folder to make all the elements work correctly.

Uninstall Instructions:
1. Remove “”.dsres and .dsdll from the directory where installed, or re-name extension to .off.

Requirements / Compatibility
Requires DSLOA to play.

Compatibility issues:
• A lot of files were altered, including the _core templates, for compatibility with DS Revived, so there is a good chance of conflicts. See the enclosed Revived read me for possible conflicts.
• If you find any problems please email me or post a comment in the forums.

Mod Details
Single Player: Y
Multi-Player: Host must have installed
Difficulty Settings: Y
New Graphics: N
New Sounds / Music: Y
New Weapons: Y
New Armor: Y
New Spells: Y
New Misc. Items (Rings, Amulets...): N
New Character(s): N
New Enemy Type(s): N
Modified Experience / Attribute System: N
Modified Loot Drops: N
Modified Container: N
Modified GUI: Y
Modified / Custom Map: N
Modified Other: Various gameplay tweaks
Modding Tools Used: Gasviewer, Tank Creator, (1&2) Tank Viewer, (1&2) Dungeon Siege Tool Kit, (1&2) Note Tab Light, The Gimp, Raw to PSD, PSD to Raw, DDS Converter 2.

Content provided by: GasPoweredGames and Volkan

Permission is given to use this mod for game playing and you may use any or all of the items contained herein as long as credit is given to the author(s). This mod can be redistributed unchanged and may not be sold in part or in whole.

All title and intellectual property rights to the content of this mod are the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties.

Gas Powered Games and Dungeon Siege 2 are the exclusive trademarks of Gas Powered Games Corp and Microsoft. Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World is the exclusive trademark of Gas Powered Games and 2K Games

The author(s) of this mod accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this mod.


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