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Sharkull's picture

...I do remember that thread now that you link it in. Smile

We agree 100% on the music... top notch for sure (and no unpacking to get at the mp3's). I haven't tried Morrowind, but if I see it for a good price somewhere I'll probably pick it up.

After a quick look it appears like X3 is something similar to Civilization but in space (build, trade, combat...). If so then that would seriously eat into the very little free time I have left... :P Seriously though, if I ever want to take on such a game I'll consider X3 for sure (on your recommendation). I don't think that's going to happen for a while though... I still have some time left on my current first journey into Oblivion, and I'm going to want to try another character for sure.

...then there's Space Siege to consider too...