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I have a small sample of mods installed and they appear to be as variable in quality as DS mods. I should be able to learn a lot by looking at what works well, and what doesn't.

One thing I may try is modifying the Sirens' quest. There's already a mod to provide more choices that the author considers fair game for others to extend.

I think one of the options could be turning Gweden Farm into a legitimate brothel. The third girl who never appears in the Flowing Bowl could have differences with the other two about the right way to run the place (Where's the repeat business if you rob the clients?). Letting her survive the fight, and then having some follow-on quests to recruit more girls for the place would make a sensible story line. Once the place is fully staffed, you'd get a small income from it.

If Tsarrina gets killed in the fight, then the existing conclusion remains. Otherwise, the undercover guards leave you to clean up and continue with the new branch. This should not break anything already there, and just needs a few extra characters (and scripts) added.

The thing I like about this project is that it could be as small or large as I want to make it. The number of extra girls could be anything from zero to a dozen, I could leave the building alone, or extend the basement to an extra floor, add costumes, etc.
And of course, I could do all of the above and build it up progressively, as it could be "complete" at any stage, each new recruit for the place being a separate add-on quest. I could even farm those out to other modders.

Or I could get back to the DS projects and leave this to later.