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That's one good endpoint, but I need:

1) Another endpoint.
2) Some idea of the Travel AI package decides on a path. It looks like there's a preference for the main roads, and then I guess the minor "roads" come next, but just on the route she's currently on, I notice her cutting some corners and doing a bit of random wandering when there are choices of roads available (e.g. near Bruma)

When I first created her, I picked a couple of random locations in the mountains, and never saw her again! I presume she was somewhere between them, trying to walk through a rock that would not move. I've had issues with NPC's getting themselves stuck when I'm required to follow them, and had to push them away from their attempts to walk through furniture, walls etc., so i know it will happen to her.

I need to move her start position to the other side of the bear, too, because right now she's trying to walk through it in order to mount up. That results in her pushing the bear sideways down the hill for a time before things line up and she can get on its back!

I also considered Dive Rock, but I'm not sure if there's a decent path for her to follow up there. Don't want her to fall of!