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I moved her to the Ninendava/Hermaeus Mora run, but now she's not riding the bear. I may have messed up the ownership of the "horse" when deleting and re-adding them, but there may also be an issue if one of them gets knocked off the mountain when killed. I left a dead polar bear at the foot of a cliff after riding it myself, and it respawned at the same spot, making it difficult to get them back together. This may be why Beth didn't put riders up in the mountains already.

I found her wandering around on foot at one point, but forgot to grab a screenie.

Edit: If you want to try her yourself, a beta version is at

Even more edit: Now considering a move to Lipstrand Tarn, as Ninendava offers two routes to Hermaeus Mora, and she apparently can use either. I may also introduce a quest to get a bottle of schnapps from her, so there can be a quest marker arrow to help find her. I'd use addTopic to one of the minor NPC's at the shrine to introduce it, which should avoid conflict.
A "find her and ask for a bottle" task is probably easier to implement than making her a merchant, as well. More updates when I do so.