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nippaditty wrote:
I do have a Mage, and that is his job. Many times the bad guys go for him. But all he does is heal. The other Mage in my group throws Combat spells or uses his Bow. I alternate characters to do different things at different times.
I may have my Archer ( after she has built up her Bow skills ) to start throw spells or I put an Axe in her hand to build up close in fighting.

...a Jack-of-all-Trades is a master of none. Smile

And there's nothing wrong with having more than one healer (I often have seven!). There can only be one Healing Wind type spell active at once, but there is no limit on the number of people who can cast Healing Hands type spells at once...

However, since this is your first time through the game, play the way you want and ignore me. I don't want to spoil the experience for you. Smile