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Yup!, the resurrect and healing does work on the Mule. One thing I do not understand is I had one of my other characters try to resurrect but it said she did not have enough Mana. She had bottles of the stuff. She is a fighter/Archer. Not sure why she couldn't do it. She throws spells and is about the same in both natural and combat spells ( level ).

The other thing that is a little annoying is when a person dies all his stuff ends up all over the ground ( labeled ) and you cannot find the person dead and end up picking up stuff. Is there away around this.

I just had the Big battle with the giant Bad boy going into Kroth. That is where my mule got killed and my Mage.

Just before you get to that area with the big battle
there is a cave off to the side. Is that another way into the Fort ?.