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The NPC's you can hire are designed to match your party's level when you reach them. If you already have the right mix in your party then you won't want to hire anyone new, but if you want to adjust the balance, to add a mage instead of an archer, or vice versa, it's good to have the chance every so often. The ones you leave behind don't level up, so you need new opportunities as you move along.

You may also notice that the NPC hireables are specialists (at least at the beginning) with all their skills in one area. Your party members often have a second string skill that's useful in offering multiple approaches to the challenges you meet. E.g. the "everybody heals" discussed before.

When you encounter a new NPC, don't just compare them with the same types in the party. Think whether more ranged and less melee, more healing and less offense, or whatever other balance change, might benefit the party.

People have played the game with a party of all mules (except for the Hero), or all Mages, just to have a different playing experience, so NPC choice is always a good thing.