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Once you've finished DS1, there's a multiplayer map that you can actually do solo by starting a multiplayer game as host, but you don't get any hireables to play on your team in MP. Then there's Legends of Aranna, the official (i.e purchased) main expansion, or the smaller but free Yesterhaven. Then there are user-made mods like Lands of Hyperborea, Abstraction or Mageworld that are free add-ons to the base games. Each of those three is as long is the original game, and there are a lot more smaller ones.

And there's a Dungeon Siege II, with it's own expansion (Broken World), and mods to those...

You have several years of play to come.

P.S. Entering Castle Ehb is just the beginning of the end. The castle itself may be modest in size, but beneath it...