Congrats on your promotion. While I am on Antonidas, when the upcoming patch comes out I can create a Death Knight on Grizzly Hills and spam you with whispers pretending to be a gold farmer.
Speaking of "lol" here is one of my lower level alts I decided to level up. Her name is a laugh. Literally. If you've ever seen a Moonkin (a balance druid in moonkin form) dance you'll know why she is named that.
Hi and thanks for the greetings! I missed you all you guys and I honestly did think of you and wonder how you all were doing. *hugs*
Hey Volkan/Phoenix, is this you?
Congrats on your promotion. While I am on Antonidas, when the upcoming patch comes out I can create a Death Knight on Grizzly Hills and spam you with whispers pretending to be a gold farmer.
Speaking of "lol" here is one of my lower level alts I decided to level up. Her name is a laugh. Literally. If you've ever seen a Moonkin (a balance druid in moonkin form) dance you'll know why she is named that.