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yeah and it seems the closer to holidays it is the less the utility companies want to send people to fix the problems, i think government needs to start making the utility companies give people refunds on their bill for every hour the electricity is out. the companies dont realize how much money they are losing when the electricity is out and how much money the customers are loosing for food items and what if someone dies cause they dont have heat or food or water?

Around here we only have really one choice for electricity, the electric company has changed names like 3 times, use to be a state company then it went to next state, now it swallowed up a bunch of states to make one big company, its getting to be like the utility company is getting a monopoly again.

I too dont understand why the lines are in the air so high, here they have trees in them, and the electricity is always going out cause of the trees, i dont understand why they dont cut the trees down. also i was thinking why not under ground too like telephone cables are, but then i got thinking, if someone cut the line they have hard time finding it and 2 if it on ground and water and ice froze it, could be alot of ground diging all the time. so maybe it better in air.

but again i think its a crock how they put people off for days. they should be working 24 hours 7 days a week with a service they provide, and if they dont got help, thats their fault, they should be more on the local level instead of states away. perhaps the electric companies need to put transformers on each house that way if one goes down the others dont, i dunno, wishful thinking i guess. but i too know about having no electricity for a few days.