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Maybe I should have explained how broad my options really where. This site would go under social community since we have forums, pm:s, blogs, etc. I also consider IM and IRC social media. Social community was really poor wording too... Don't know what to call sites like this and facebook though. Facebook goes a lot further too with all the extra applications, status update and stuff but I still put it in the same group as

I think using media like this is really great for getting stuff out there since the flow of information can go two ways. If someone like Phoenix posts DS videos to YouTube, great way to show of a mod, those there will see it. And at the same time we can use Youtube's API to bring content here bringing the islands of DS related stuff to one place. If DS3 ever comes out, it would be great to have a working platform like that. And it can all be done relatively anonymously, as anonymous as you can actually be on the net.

@ghastley - Haha. How about getting aggregated DS news directly in the game? ^^