Google can help you find the siegelets when you know the names. My recommendations would include the ones listed here (download links won't likely work... use Google to find active ones):
Legends of Utrae
DS Abstraction
thank you.
I've already found that it can be difficult to find sieglets. Most links are either broken, or point to fileplanet or filefront, which never work for me. Been hit or miss, with mostly miss.
Also, don't forget the Multi-Player world that comes with DS1 (Utrean Penninsula). You can play it solo by hosting a LAN game yourself.
From reading stuff, and from playing around, I get the feeling that multiplayer in DS is different from other games ... multiplayer seems to be a way of re-using a character for single player by playing in a multiplayer mode without any other players.
Legends of Utrea and something called myros mod allows you to play UP (with changes) as a single player map.
ya lost me here. :o sorry.
When it comes to modding, if you want advice, just let us know what you want to achieve. Someone will likely be able to help point you in the right direction.
Well, I've had a few ideas but I am uncertain if they are feasible with the way things work in terms of file formats and how the game engine works. For instance, is it possible to make a simple plugin that works with an existing siegelet, say adding teleport pads or an extra side dungeon to the original EHB campaign?
thank you.
I've already found that it can be difficult to find sieglets. Most links are either broken, or point to fileplanet or filefront, which never work for me. Been hit or miss, with mostly miss.
From reading stuff, and from playing around, I get the feeling that multiplayer in DS is different from other games ... multiplayer seems to be a way of re-using a character for single player by playing in a multiplayer mode without any other players.
ya lost me here. :o sorry.
Well, I've had a few ideas but I am uncertain if they are feasible with the way things work in terms of file formats and how the game engine works. For instance, is it possible to make a simple plugin that works with an existing siegelet, say adding teleport pads or an extra side dungeon to the original EHB campaign?