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Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

I still have that unfinished pet mod that I was working on for DS2, in limbo. What I have done is working for the most part.
Current pets:
Fire beetle (combat magic) - Armored orange beetle that spits a spread of multiple firebolts
Shockweaver (combat magic) - Electric blue spider that spins chains of electricity to subdue its prey
Slime Devil (ranged) - An odd swamp creature, uses highly toxic spew projected from flaps on the side of its body as a weapon
Earth Elemental (ranged) - A lumbering thing, kicks rocks at high speed as an effective ranged attack
Dreadcrawler - (combat magic) A sickly, purple, worm like creature which drains health and mana as it attacks
Phrak Monarch - (melee) A powerful mutation of the common Phrak from DS1, this dangerous red and yellow insect inflicts grievous stab wounds
Zephyryl - (nature magic) A floating maelstrom of energy in a rough sphere shape, projects energy bolts at anything it dislikes

I'd say that all of them are approximately beta stage in completion ... I'll probably come back to it some time, just for the sake of finishing it. Smile