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Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Return of the ??????

Well, it sure has been a _long_ time since I've last posted here, nearly three years. I see that things have significantly quieted down since I was last seen.

Much has changed about me, like the forum. My appearance, style of dress, mannerisms, etc are all so different from the old, naive, and frankly quite stupid me. No doubt, I expect the members of this website will like this TAS a lot more. I made many mistakes during my role in the DS community in the past, but let those errors of a younger age be forgotten. Perhaps with the actions of this renewed person, I can make up for ..... This is getting really boring ..... lets just skip the speech.

I just wanted to say hello after a long time, and if anyone is still around to hear this, I'm back! Smile I don't really play much DS anymore, except for old time's sake. Supreme Commander is a definite favorite though.