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Darkelf wrote:
		is_invincible = true;
		actor_may_attack = false;
		actor_may_be_attacked = false;

actually i wouldnt even bother putting those in aspect or mind because none of the other mercs use those, accept on the map side . . ., besides all this can be done in drianjul's flick

To prevent misunderstandings, this is for the 'map side' only. And this should not be set/applied in the in the flick, the flick is here (partially) to revert these settings - in case they have been set in the instance before (as e.g. Yoren has).
That's why I wrote actor.gas before, pointing on world\maps\ds2x_world\regions\x2_01_elftown\objects\actor.gas where Drianjul's instance is (her template is in another file).

Usually you would add these settings via the property window in SE2 (assumed you managed it to open a Broken World region). So i guess PheoniX just will to copy+paste to modify the existing actor.gas.
Assumed you would add these settings in the template, you would add most probably a bug, preventing the hired member to interact in battles (since the hiring flick isn't active anymore in later sessions).


Darkelf wrote:
. . .and even then monsters dont enter town to fight . . .
Normally they do not.

But remember some DS1 mods summoning evil monsters. I'm not sure if this exists for DS2, but imaginable.

Also there is a bug/lack to navigate (melee) monsters everywhere:
- Let a melee monster hit you once or twice.
- Left-click on a distant ground position.
As result the monster will walk/follow to that point. And the monster won't stop even if your moving hero cancels his own walk with another left-click.

With some exercise (and scheduling, there's an elevator) it's possible to make Garganturax visit Eirulan: Evil

I'm not sure if developers knew about this lack, but it's probably why invincibility is used (or at least intended to do so) and reverted again in the flick when hired.