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Hey all~

Thanks very much for the kind words and well wishes. Smile
I feel better already knowing Lili Elf will be keeping and eye on those rabid squirrels. Nasty wee beasties... *shudders*

KillerGremal wrote:

It reminds me anyhow the blood poisoning I had some years ago.
Due to a rather simple injury/abrasion on my left foot (however it never did mend well) my knee and hip begun to hurt pretty much - unfortunately I didn't realize the context and that this could be a toxemia.
It took some time until I went to the doctor. It took 6 other weeks until I was able to walk normally... Sad

That sounds very much like what happened with me. The doctors think bacteria was able to get in my system because I had an extensive breakout of eczema, which caused a lot of broken skin. I've never had eczema or arthritis before that, so everything about this experience just feels really strange.

I didn't get help for several days until the swelling and pain in my right ankle made it impossible to walk. Some of the other joints were affected as well, but the ankle was by far the worse and required two surgeries. Ugh. I can walk with the aid of a walker, which is fine, but a little embarrasing. It seems that all my "old people waving their walkers around" jokes have returned to bite me on the butt... :wacko: :P