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Dungeon Siege 3 modding

As there's no Dungeon 3 thread here I thought I'd put this here.

One of the main gripes with Dungeon Siege 3 is the lack of modding able to be done to it. Maybe there's others here that are aware that there's a file extractor that can extract the data files from the oaf files, which are the equivalents to DS2's ds2res files, but in case there aren't here's a link to a site with some info on all of this;

I tried out the OAF File Extractor and it works as advertised (don't forget to select English as the language within the program).

However while it extracts all the data files there's actually very little there that can be modded. You can extract and view the art files, movies and text, etc but the really important stuff pertaining to character, monster and item values appears to be hard coded either in the exe or probably a dll. There are xml files that can be opened and presumeably edited but most of these list the values used by the models or effects in the game.

Also some enterprising modder hacked the exe so that the camera no longer is fixed and can be adjusted as in DS2. I tried it but it didn't like my installation and crashed every time.

Update# Trying the hack with the patched version and Treasures of the Sun dlc installed seems to work.

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