Aye, he might make a good pet and/or summon too. Great model for DS1! I also converted drakes over. They were one of my favorite monsters. I made a DS1 mod way back that made them translucent for a Ghost Drake, lol. Another favorite of mine are DS1 rats. I have them in a DS2 minimap I made about 6 years ago (I meant to upload the minimap in STD's abandoned mod section). Darkelf said, "It was fun," so I'm polishing it up.
Aye, he might make a good pet and/or summon too. Great model for DS1! I also converted drakes over. They were one of my favorite monsters. I made a DS1 mod way back that made them translucent for a Ghost Drake, lol. Another favorite of mine are DS1 rats. I have them in a DS2 minimap I made about 6 years ago (I meant to upload the minimap in STD's abandoned mod section). Darkelf said, "It was fun," so I'm polishing it up.