man, i'm so impressed that even i'm getting responses from this forum. Thanks for being there guys however this turns out. I've recently just travelled cause of new year's comin and wont be able to check the forum for about a month, but all the same, thanks to u guys for stickin around. Its always nice to know the classics aren't dead... (like i said i'm getting into classics; a bit like torchlight with wulf pack mod, which i'm playing alongside this). For now, merry christmas and happy new year!
man, i'm so impressed that even i'm getting responses from this forum. Thanks for being there guys however this turns out. I've recently just travelled cause of new year's comin and wont be able to check the forum for about a month, but all the same, thanks to u guys for stickin around. Its always nice to know the classics aren't dead... (like i said i'm getting into classics; a bit like torchlight with wulf pack mod, which i'm playing alongside this). For now, merry christmas and happy new year!