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KillerGremal wrote:
@IryanVery nice, I've just tried it out and did some steps. Smile

Now, DS2 doesn't really like to equip actors with items/templates that don't exist (anymore), so an [inventory] check of the maps files may be necessary.
In particular search in actors.gas for 'es_' or 'il_' to find obsolete template references ('il_main' should stand a bad template though).

In this context, to assist the Level Adjustment mod, checking the monster instances for 'defense', 'damage_' and 'life_max' would be useful too.
It's well probable that these stats don't accord with the level the new/auxiliary monster has assigned in its template.

Thus the Alpha. I just did it as a little experiment just to see how fast it coud be made playable in DS2. Minutely checking every actor and inventory template would be the next logical step, then fixing broken npc templates and finally adding save positions in the map, radar and more merchants are required, etc.

At the moment I haven't time to do all this but perhaps sometime this year it could be feasible to convert a number of these DS1 maps so they're playable in DS2.