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Thanks people. I've not had any more crashes since mentioning them.

If exceeding 255 items crashes the game then that was not my problem because I could resume from the last save (usually QuickSave) and play past where I'd had the problem, picking up more loot. If exceeding 255 creates a small chance of a random crash sometime down the line, then could be. Especially if spells shoved inside spellbooks (until I get somewhere I can sell them) still count towards the limit in their own right.

255 items max for the entire party I find hard to believe, when without mods 8 characters (none of them mules) have room for 416 one-cell items (potions and loose spells) between them, plus up to 104 items equipped.

My only mod now active is BufUI (v2.00). I've used Zhixalom's Inventory on one downloaded map for the extra gold (a shop-keeper refusing to sell his best items because they are "priceless" is not acceptable) but deliberately didn't use the extra space.

I did have NVidia on my old system and did have some Microsoft automatic responses to some of my exceptions suggesting they were the video driver's fault. The new system has a Radeon card.

Here's an interesting point. I had to buy my new system because my old one's disk died, while I had a run-through of Ehb on the go. To pick up that game again I had a CD to which I'd copied MyDocuments (etc) as personal backup (some way back from where I'd got to) and my game CDs (the DS1/LoA 3-CD set), plus other CDs with archive copies of everything I'd downloaded. On my new system I installed DS1/LoA (out of habit NOT into the regular Program Files directory structure), ran the Video Config, then started DS1 from desktop icon letting it create the User runtime folders where it wanted. At this point I could start a new game but had no saved ones. I then copied the files from the Save directory on my "backup" CD into my new /Dungeon Siege/Save directory, but none would load. (Continue reported that there were none that could be continued, and if I tried to select and Load any of the saved games I got an Exception crash.) What I had to do was delete the already-newly-created prefs.gas file and bring back the one from my "backup".