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I've used this mod a lot since the current version was released and for the most part it's quite stable apart from the mentioned bug. I tend not to use summons so I don't have problems with it.

However on occasion the auto engage algorithm can break for the selected hero after a NIS sequence or movie. All the other characters attack properly but you have to use right click for the selected hero. Easily fixed by reloading the game and everything goes back to normal.

But as Lady Femme suggests this is probably as a result of the buggy underlying code in DS2. GPG carefully stripped out most of the good code (even worse for monsters with random spell casting from a selection of spells, switching to melee from ranged when appropriate, able to randomly select from a pool of different armor/weapons, etc) from the game and left the buggy stuff.

If it wasn't for this mod I wouldn't still be playing DS2 after all of this time. I can't see the attraction in continually clicking on monsters to attack them.