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Did some more testing with one known place where the auto engage algorithm will always fail (at least for me)- The first time you leave Eirulan in Mercenary Mode after having witnessed the Jail NIS.

As you know as soon you leave the elevator Jera the Dryad Escort will greet you and begin moving towards the outpost where Kirani and two other Dryads are being held hostage by 3 Morden. Jera will be killed, you'll kill the Morden and then must release Kirani and the Dryads from the Prison to continue the game.

While not absolutely, positively certain I believe in this occasion it's Jera's talk flick which is causing the auto engage algorithm to fail. For those interested it's Act1_escort_to_outpost.flick found in global\flick\sequences\ds2_world\act1_jnglight.

The talk flick captures Jera but never releases her and interestingly it explicitly states in the flick itself that this is deliberate and intentional in this case as it's quite possible for the player to decide to do something else instead of following Jera so she needs to be kept primed and ready to move, and Jera's character is deleted anyhow when the fight with the Morden begins.

I don't know how the above flick could be modified without breaking it and possibly having a situation where Jera both survives and yet is killed by the Morden (once you step over the trigger starting the fight with the Morden).

It's also possible that modifying job_listen.skrit so to flush the hero's ai brain better in such situations may solve the bug but it's more likely it's something we have to live with and just save/reload the game when convenient so to reset the auto engage algorithm again.