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well... this mod was done this way to make players fight more strategically against certain bosses in the game instead of being the same ol' grind all the time, giving players a different experience fighting certain bosses compared to unmodded ds2.

as for the bone minions, i had to balance them that way because making bone minions spawn more often means players get better drops and end up with better equipment since bone minions almost guarantee a unique or rare item drop. so to balance it out, u'd have to fight harder, smarter and more strategically against the multiple bone minions should they spawn in close proximity to one another. think half-life whereby the boss monsters in that game can only be beaten a certain way.

ditto for making certain bosses resistant to powers and having fast healing. makes players fight more strategically instead of relying on powers to do the job for them. thats one thing i dont like about powers in this game in that it supercharges or overpowers your char for a time or in a certain instance. making bosses resistant to powers makes players fight more strategically instead of spamming powers over and over again.

by having fast healing, u have to use your party's powers more strategically by timing it all at the exact same moment he stops healing to take him out quickly before he can start healing again. thats one way of how u do it. lol. Laughing out loud

as for the morden-viir chief, i found that he is pure melee and moves too slowly so u can just constantly backpedal with a ranged or magic char against him and be completely untouched. maybe he should be given a ranged attack or a charge attack instead like in diablo or something for balance... maybe in a future version of the mod if i get down to it. lol