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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Well, I thought it was synchronicity when I saw that advert, because I had been thinking about Kathy prior to that and had already sent her a PM, either earlier that day or the day before, and then that advert appeared on the TV. So after all this discussion, I see that nobody here has heard from her in a while, and that increases my concern. However, in the grand scheme of things, it really hasn't been that long since she was signed in here, and I myself will disappear for extended periods of time due to active gaming, personal offline stuff, or other types of internet activity, so here's hoping (comparing with my own cyclical phases) that she's okay and will wander back in here before too much longer. I'm not sure if I have her email address, but I might; I know she has mine (but here again, I may neglect my inbox for extended periods of time as well, so if she hasn't replied to emails, that could just be due to the same sort of cyclical phase thing that I do myself; we girls, after all, do cycle through phases, just like the moon, and while some of our phases may be as fast as the lunar cycle, other types of phases we cycle through may be slower).