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Shadows of the Empire: The Unofficial Star Wars

Hey gang. I was just bored today, so decided to post this.

For those of you initiated into the Star Wars galaxy, you know there are six movies. However, during the filming of V and VI, (the older ones) there was debate of whether or not to film one between. This one was called Shadows of the Empire. George Lucas was so ready to film it, in fact, an entire script was written for it, and, get this, a soundtrack was composed for it. However, the movie was never filmed, because it was realized that there would be a lack of consistency in the story, as Shadows of the Empire strays away from the initial 'Jedi driven storyline'. So, it was cut. However, a book was written on it, largely influenced by the script. Also, years later, a N64 game based off of it was created. Read the book, and you'll see how close Shadows of the Empire came to becoming a Star Wars movie, and how cool it would have been.

Currently, I'm downloading the soundtrack off of Bit Torrent.