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RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
I've just started playing Legends of Utrae for the first time, not on DS2 (with or without Adepts) but on DS1 (LOA of course) and have found a problem that it would be worth somebody with DS2 seeing if they can reproduce on the converted map.

Start a single player game. Go into the cellar. On the upper level, carefully avoid stepping on the elevator grill. (Kill the Krug.) Press the wall button - the elevator descends with nobody on it. Press the button again, and the elevator should rise, but does not. (In multiplayer, in the original MPworld map, it does.) I am unable to bring the elevator back up so cannot get my character down to the lower level to kill the spiders nor, what is more important, collect the goodies.

With two characters, one up and one down, I think one with the elevator can send it (either way), but haven't tried out all the combinations of the one without the elevator trying to bring it to them.

This is a DSLoA problem with Legends of Utrae 3.2 -- it is not a Legandary Map Pack problem.
Even though this post really belongs in the DSLoA Game Playing Forum. I will answer your question Richard.

You are correct in that if you press the elevator button in the orchard house cellar the elevator goes down but no matter how many times you press the button it does not come back up. In all the years I have played and tested that map I never tried that! I also never attempted a quest without 2 party members. Now how I have done it in the past is walk around the elevator grate kill the Krugs, then step on the grate and go down. I only ever used the button if I wanted to bring another party member down to the sub basement.

The problem Does not exist in the converted ds1 maps when playing DS2 as the only way to get the elevator to go down is to step on the grate. Since Legends of Utrae had its final release many years ago I am not sure if iryan would desire to fix the problem. Given that he and I are very busy addressing issues with the Converted DS1 maps of the Legendary Map Pack and DS2BW Adepts when either of us would have time to address the problem in any case.

You might wish to start a forum topic for Legends of Utrae and keep track of the problems or questions you have there. If there is enough input maybe something will get done, who knows.

Since the quest is so near the start of the game I would suggest starting over or from a very early save and when in the orchard house cellar DON'T press the button to make the elevator go down.
