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bare_elf wrote:
With moving several items from Adepts to the Legendary Pack there would be a bit of fallout. Is there any specific requirements for the Ax Iryan? I think I may have a few DS1 Axes hanging about in one of my old mods that could be used as a replacement. You could also use one one handed axes from DS2 or Broken World could you not?

Temporarily I've completely removed the base template. I did try making a patch but Adepts crashed. So I've updated Adepts Logic Beta 1i with both this fix and the previous patch. I didn't change the number because its a small update.

All the Adepts base templates do is make the items a little more powerful than the DS2 ones, so to make them more attractive to use. If there are any worthy axes laying around that you think would look good in Adepts, I can certainly include them. The same with any other 3rd party weapons or armour, or even small mods that aren't yet in Adepts and are marked by their creators as open source or able to be used in other projects.

Adepts isn't just an anime conversion mod but the biggest compilation of 3rd party mods available for DS2.