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bare_elf wrote:
Renaming DS1_Objects.ds2res to Objects_DS1.ds2res has restored the buttons/levers and such on the Kingdom of Ehb map through the Glitterdelve mines. Have not found any buttons stuck in walls or mislocated. So that problems is solved so far.
The patch you sent me iryan for the drown spell and rector aura is 50% fixed. The rector now looks correct and is not a glowing purple thing spread out over a large area. However the drown spell still has the problem. I looked at the patch after untanking it and I can not see where the problem is. So will leave that up to you or to make it easy I will not use the drown spell, as decay armor, dehydrate, and blind are all curses that work just as effectively as drown and they do not exhibit the messy aura.
I will continue on with the ehb map as time allows.


Good to hear confirmation of my theories.

The rector was easy as there was only a single effect component. For Drown I disabled what I thought was the most obvious component but there's several others. The component I disabled was the custom_effect but it appears the problem is in the spell_mass_enchant block.

From what you are saying it definitely appears something in the DS1 Legendary pack is influencing the way this block works in Drown. You can try untanking the mini-mod and disabling one by one charge_ffx, charge_efct, cast_ffx and cast_efct found in the spell_mass_enchant block of Drown in spl_ds2_spellscmagic.gas and see what's causing the issue.