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yes i suppose we can all blame the current game publisher system. thats why things like kickstarter came about. they wudnt exist if there wasnt a reason for them to exist.

also, i believe the greater depression financial crisis also claimed many victims and i think we can include gpg as the list of victims in that recent financial crisis. i think this is just pure bad luck and nothing to do with gpg's skills or competency as a game dev.

next, i didnt realise square enix was a japanese brand. im hoping since they flopped miserably on the ds series, i'd bet they are just begging to offload the rights again to an interested buyer to recoup the losses from poor sales. i hope the next buyer of the ds IP doesnt have balls for brains so to speak... Laughing out loud

so i shall pray to the deities of the elder scrolls to bless ds with the might of akatosh and skyrim and that ds may one day rise again as a great rpg and be even better than skyrim or wowcrack ever was.