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bare_elf wrote:
KillerGremal wrote:

The teleportation effect could be replaced, other colors perhaps, some street/cart noise maybe, in worst case Bonanza music. :P

I was thinking maybe the sound of horses running really fast over hard ground. Something like this maybe? The visual teleportation effect would need to be changed for sure, a movie of horses running maybe?


Sound effects are easy to do. In fact the horse is just an object, the teleporter is still there but invisible with the visual and sound effects suppressed. I know that flick can launch movies so a short movie clip may be possible.

In practice I imagine there would be stables with a sign indicating that transportation is available there. Quite possibly instead of clicking on a horse the player would just click on the sign or maybe a stablemaster? It would then be nice if there was a fee that had to be payed for using the service as bare_elf suggested earlier. I'm not sure how complicated that would be to implement. If so it could possibly be dialog based like the pet seller as the existing teleporter menu wouldn't be needed and would probably be better without it as the map wouldn't be needed as this is set in times before cartography was known.

If making a dialog based selection service was impractical then invisible portals could be used instead of teleporters but they don't give a choice where to go. Instead a sign would need to be placed before each horse to indicate where it would take you.

Incidentally I've also thought of using boats as well to transport players around the world and they would work the same way.