Okay, I remember a long time ago, back in the days of SiegeTheDay's prime, Iryan had a topic devoted to some monsters that he had found buried in Dungeon Siege. These monsters had been made by GPG, but were never finished. Some of them looked truely amazing.
I was wondering a few things:
1. Is this topic still around, or has it been swallowed up?
2. Did Iryan ever release a mod of the edited monsters?
3. Would anyone be interested in helping me restore these monsters?
He did have a monster mod, but sadly the only location that I know of that had it was SiegeNetwok. He did put in some new monsters in Legends of Utrae.
He did have a monster mod, but sadly the only location that I know of that had it was SiegeNetwok. He did put in some new monsters in Legends of Utrae.