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KillerGremal wrote:
The Lava Dragon looks very impressive! Smile

Also the tree is interesting, since many trees don't have named bones for every branch it could be tricky to make a tree glow this way with common glow effects.

And it's well possible that custom 'gas effect code' consumes more resources than realizing it via a special texture.

Thanks for the comment on the Lava Dragon.I can foresee an interesting quest with a magical tree using a glow shader. I think it'd also be interesting on light fixtures and lava from ds1. I think it would cost less because DS2 uses a lot of cpu with its SFX. The shaders are underused, so the gpu would take some of the load off. I don't experience any lag, but it's good to be efficient, especially if the effect looks good :).

Edit: The only workaround would probably be attaching SFX to the weapon. SFXs can have glow. All tracers that are attached to weapons use glow too. It's not really a big deal, but I think it'll cost more resources and more work (messing with SFX can be irritating).