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You've come to exactly the right site, we're still alive and kicking.

Now, the only thing I can suggest, as I am not particularly mod savvy, is to uncheck "Load succubus modlet" if you're not actually using any of the races added by it. I use Succubus Manager myself and I don't have issues with Soul of Iron skills (I don't actually use the mod anymore though) I do not recall if the Modlet alters any basic stats or skills, so that might also be a compatibility issue. Or not.

Be aware that if by 'skills' you actually mean 'powers', The Soul of Iron class doesn't actually have any powers yet. I believe HardLess intends on adding those sometime in the future, but I wouldn't expect them any time soon because I'm not even sure if he is or not.
So if that's the issue, then the Succubus Modlet and Aranna Legacy are working fine with Ancient Gifts.

Also, ensure you're using the right version of Ancient Gifts. The one that is made for Aranna Legacy.