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HardLess's picture

iryan wrote:

One interesting thing that I noticed in the core template is that GPH must have been experimenting with at least randomizing the size of actors, even if nothing else because there's commented out lines for making the scale_base random through MakeVector (Math.RandomFloat (0.95, 1.05) which would make actors have a 10% size difference. Would be interesting if it worked for at least some monsters.

I have made a little test with krugs :), and you were right this is awesome Wink

I give it to you guys, it's a simple component.

You just have to add

minBonus = 0.95; // The default value is 0.95 
maxBonus = 1.05; // The default value is 1.05

The component will randomize the scale of the monster between those values when he spawns.

You can download it here.

EDIT: The little problem is that you have to put this component in the base monster template and some monsters will be modified in front of you and this is not really pretty :(.

EDIT2: New version I have fixed the the second problem, now the monsters are modified when they spawn, we can't see anything. Smile

Happy to help :D,

See you,
