Cool, you were able to do it :). Can't wait to see this in action.
It could be interesting to create real game-play differences between short-bow and long-bow in DS2. Something like, if you are using a long-bow your arrows' damages will increase with your distance from your target. And with short-bow your arrows will get useless if your are too away from your target but can become really deadly if your are standing from few meters. Long-bow will have a big reload delay unlike a short-bow.
I don't really know if it's possibly but could be really interesting.
Well I have made bows that different ranges based on the level of the character.
I will see if there is a way to decrease accuracy as the range of the shot increases.
Well I have made bows that different ranges based on the level of the character.
I will see if there is a way to decrease accuracy as the range of the shot increases.