@iryan: As you have experienced DS2 usually treats a pcontent list just in the moment when the actor dies or when a container is opened - and not when the actor/container is created.
This is the default procedure I think (see components.gas, most probably not to generate loot possibly never spewed out) and may be different to DS1.
So if not set yet, retry it once with 'create_pcontent_on_drop = false' which should generate the items already when the actor/container is created.
Moreover, if the equipment piece/template have variations ensure there's a leading '#' in front the template name then.
You are quite correct, it does work that way. Thank you.
Just defining the template name without variations works the best. Sometimes otherwise (about 10-20% of the time) the monster ends up with no weapons which can look strange, depending which monster it is.
This will keep me busy for a week or so, randomizing the weapon wielding monsters and hopefully those that can wear armor as well (skeletons, bandits, pirates, etc). Only thing is is_pcontent_allowed = false; has to be avoided to allow the equipment to appear on the monsters.
You are quite correct, it does work that way. Thank you.
Just defining the template name without variations works the best. Sometimes otherwise (about 10-20% of the time) the monster ends up with no weapons which can look strange, depending which monster it is.
This will keep me busy for a week or so, randomizing the weapon wielding monsters and hopefully those that can wear armor as well (skeletons, bandits, pirates, etc). Only thing is is_pcontent_allowed = false; has to be avoided to allow the equipment to appear on the monsters.