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iryan wrote:
. . .
Just defining the template name without variations works the best. Sometimes otherwise (about 10-20% of the time) the monster ends up with no weapons which can look strange, depending which monster it is.

This will keep me busy for a week or so, randomizing the weapon wielding monsters and hopefully those that can wear armor as well (skeletons, bandits, pirates, etc). Only thing is is_pcontent_allowed = false; has to be avoided to allow the equipment to appear on the monsters.

Better do not enable/change the is_pcontent_allowed setting - otherwise shops and loot drops may be flooded by 'crappy' damage-/armor-less monster items.

KillerGremal wrote:
. . .
Moreover, if the equipment piece/template have variations ensure there's a leading '#' in front the template name then.
This may be help in this special case (and just to mention it, it's not a really precise rule where a leading '#' is needed and where not).
But I'm wondering a bit, is there no other way else than needing a pcontent creation!?

I had to try this out if this approach here also could work for items with 'is_pcontent_allowed = false' (and without leading '#'). Will the item be ignored just because of [pcontent] and the item is not part of it!?

I've made a short test with an NPC. It seems it can work without the '#' as well, most important seems to be that 'create_pcontent_on_drop' is disabled.

	create_pcontent_on_drop = false;
			chance = 1.0;
			es_feet = amr_bot_ftr_leather;
			es_feet = amr_bot_cmg_apprentice;
			es_feet = amr_bot_nmg_tribal;
			es_feet = amr_bot_rng_explorer;
This works, (although) all these 4 (player) items have 'is_pcontent_allowed = true'.
I actually assumed there generally must be a leading '#' for this special setup, but it's obvisiouly not required for the items here.

	create_pcontent_on_drop = false;
				chance = 1.0;
				es_forearms = amr_glv_tutdryad;
				es_feet = amr_bot_tutdryad;
				chance = 1.0;
				es_forearms = amr_glv_ftr_cstlsoldier;
				es_feet = amr_bot_ftr_cstlsoldier;
These 4 items have 'is_pcontent_allowed = false' and it works too (the modified setup should just toggle between too looks).


However another thing to remind, if items are generated at the creation of the monster, what happens then in SE2 when you (re)load a region?

Scenario: SE2 loads a monster, monster creats boots, and then you save the region the SE2 *possibly* saves the boots for the boot slot.
Assumed they get saved for the equip slot, where do the new/second boots go when the monster gets loaded again in another SE2 session?
For example, if one would save a region 20x times, would the monster drop 19 boots because all surplus went to il_main?
That's perhaps an issue to check first.